Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Why I Feel It’s Important To Protect The Endangered Species Canada Has To Offer

Endangered animal facts were not something I have always thought about, nor are they something I completely understood once I started hearing like terms.

I am so passionate about this topic and I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to blog about this because it comes straight from the heart. I have always had a huge love for animals since my parents took me to the zoo and African lion safari. Watching a television show with a lemur as the main character; fiction shows with animals as every character such as aardvarks or even penguins. It was natural for me to see a rabbit or a squirrel in my neighborhood as a boy and my eyes lit up simply to be able to ask questions about it since I was so interested. I wanted to know what was in that squirrels mouth and why that rabbit stopped dead in its tracks.

My biggest fear is that youth today are being robbed of the same opportunity I had. Sure I didn't see wild animals, quite frankly I've never even witnessed a Polar Bear live but I don’t think that matters. I know Polar Bears are beautiful and I know they’re intelligent because I had the passion all throughout my different levels of school to learn about them. It’s a true joy to know animals are living and living well no matter their habitat or how close or far I am from them. The endangered species Canada has to offer should be celebrated with care and love from afar. Let them be, leave them alone like you share this earth with them, not like you own it and they are toys.

Do you need articles on endangered species handed to you or will you now go out of your way to grasp the information?

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Why are animals endangered?

Why are animals becoming endangered? Humans are the only cause. Animal extinction has become a huge problem in the world today

Black Rhino [photograph] by Manuel Romaris, 2013
Adapted from
There are many animals that have been hunted to near extinction such as the black rhino. European hunters are the reason these are animals close to extinction. Not only were they being hunted for their horn, it was common for 5 or 6 black rhino’s to be hunted a day for strictly amusement. Hunters are a one of the largest reasons for animal endangerment. Another huge problem reason is the habitat that animals tend to live in is being destroyed on a daily basis. Deforestation is destroying the world’s forests. Animals such as the leopard are losing their home and are becoming endangered. The barn owl is a species at risk in Ontario. These
                                                                                  beautiful animals are being protected by Toronto.

Now that you know the facts.  How are we going to help the species at risk in Ontario?

Monday, 6 April 2015

How We Can Help Endangered Animals? (WWF Edition)

Way back in the day when I was in elementary school, I used to eat this specialized cereal that advertised WWF. Now I was young so I thought that the WWF stood for the World Wrestling Federation, until I did a project where I had to pick an organization that helps endangered species.  I learned many things that World Wildlife Fund had done in its many years of operation. While doing the project I asked myself if there's a way on how we can help endangered animals.

WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

WWF was discovered in 1961 at Morges, Switzerland (About Us, 2015).  
WWF is one of the world's largest conservation organizations and their mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature (About Us, 2015). 
" WWF focuses its work around the magnificent diversity of life on this planet, the extraordinary places they live in.  All the while trying to reduce humanity’s impact on this life and in these places (About Us, 2015)".                               

Figure 9: (2010)

Do you agree with WWF endangered species ?

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Do You Know Enough about Species at Risk Ontario Specifically

Have you ever wondered how many little critters exist around you? How many live in your home? Your neighborhood? How are you affected by them? How are they affected by you? What part do you play in their day-to-day life?
  You may be unaware of the creatures around you, but they all need protection from endangerment, from as small as properly disposing of waste, to not feeding wild animals when they are within their natural habitats. As a resident within Ontario, what are we doing to play our part to protect the ones without a voice? Their sorrow may not be as visible as ours, but due to us moving into their habitats and destroying them we need to be considerate of them. Now as a population we are growing and growing we need to find a way of how to save nearly extinct animals

Racoon [photograph] by CBarfoot, 2015

How are you doing your part each day to conserve the habitats of the animals close to extinction?

Saturday, 4 April 2015

In Regards to Endangered Animal Facts; What Surprises You Most?

I am interested in the opinions of the readers of this blog as to what is most surprising regarding the information in each post. Not only would I like to know what your answer is I would appreciate some reasoning and also a few points on your stance on the matter that most surprises you before you started reading this blog. This will give me a great opportunity to gage the progress in which my posts have brought but more importantly your reaction to various matters I have talked about. Ask yourself what you know or knew about endangered wildlife and what you know now. There is by no means a correct answer and all expression is welcome since the purpose of this blog is to raise awareness to species at risk.

When it comes to endangered animal facts it is common for people to be skeptical about the information they are receiving. This is a major issue in my opinion as it causes ignorance which can lead to wrongful treatment of creatures in which we share the earth with. People who think “it’s just an animal” need to be enlightened that at the end of the day humans will also suffer as a result of these beautiful animals being harmed.

Also keep in mind why you were surprised because isn't that one of the most important aspects to the response of this blog of Ontario species at risk?

Friday, 3 April 2015

How Saving Endangered Species Will Benefit The Future?

To make our environment a better place to live in we must all act now to have a better future. With that being said, many people know that it's very important to save endangered species, but do we actually know how saving endangered species will benefit the future? Well in this blog post there will be a couple of reasons on how saving endangered species can be beneficial for the future:

1) Medicine

Nature can be viewed as a huge pharmacy; it contains hundreds if not thousands of components essential to man's survival. Therefore, the animal world is in a way part of our survival kit (To the rescue of endangered species, 2015). These endangered species acquire resources that help create the cure for some of our sicknesses (To the rescue of endangered species, 2015).

2) Food

Endangered species gathers us nutrients for our daily living. Some of our vegetables are collected from these endangered animals so we can live a healthy lifestyle (To the rescue of endangered species, 2015).

Do you know anymore reasons on how to help endangered species that will benefit the future?

Figure 8: (2011)