To make our
environment a better place to live in we must all act now to have a better
future. With that being said, many people know that it's very important to save
endangered species, but do we actually know how saving endangered species
will benefit the future? Well in this blog post there will be a couple of reasons
on how saving endangered species can be beneficial for the
1) Medicine
Nature can be viewed as a huge
pharmacy; it contains hundreds if not thousands of components essential to
man's survival. Therefore, the animal world is in a way part of our survival
kit (To the rescue of endangered species, 2015). These endangered species
acquire resources that help create the cure for some of our sicknesses (To the
rescue of endangered species, 2015).
2) Food
Endangered species gathers us
nutrients for our daily living. Some of our vegetables are collected from these
endangered animals so we can live a healthy lifestyle (To the rescue of
endangered species, 2015).
Do you know anymore reasons on how to help endangered species that
will benefit the future?
Figure 8:
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