Saturday, 21 March 2015

Did You Know About Animals Close To Extinction In Ontario?

There are many known creatures in Ontario, all amazing in their own way. Many known and perhaps some unknown. Have you ever wondered about the struggles the species face each day, the incredible dodge the ant made when you almost stepped on it on your way out.  The raccoon living in your neighbor’s backyard, how long must it have been hiding behind the cans in hopes of not being seen by unexpected visitors.  Have you ever wondered if any of the animals close to extinction live near you? Do you have any part in their struggle for survival?

Canadian Warbler [photograph] by Gerry, 2012
Speaking of animals close to extinction, your neighbor’s cat has been trying to catch a bird that has recently arrived in your neighborhood.  No one has ever seen this one before in this particular area. An Acadian flycatcher was its last target, however lately you haven’t seen very many of them.  It becomes questionable as to why animals are endangered.  Unsuccessfully the cat had been trying to eat the pretty new song bird for over a month.  After having done some research, you discover that its known as the Canadian Warbler, its home used to be in the forest where the new mall is.  Many other birds had been driven homeless as well including Acadian flycatchers after the majority of your community had ignored the petition ran by the local school in greed of having a new mall in the area which would increase business in the area
How are you doing your part to help animals close to extinction? 

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